
Candy Crush Saga Level 2196

Candy Crush Saga Level 2196

Goal: clear all the jelly and collect all ingredients and reach 200,000 points to complete the level.

1 star: 200,000 points
2 stars: 280,000 points
3 stars: 335,000 points
Candy Crush Saga Level 2196

Tips: the first level in the Gumball Gorge chapter (Episode 148), here there are 51 jellies to remove and 3 cherries to bring down. Make lots of special candies and combos and remove the tinned cream and the licorice swirls so that the ingredients can fall down, also removing the jellies of course. From that stair-like contraption the ingredients will need to travel to the top left side then to the bottom right side where the exits are. After they've all flushed out, remove the remaining jellies until all are gone. See how this level is done in video below. Good luck.

Candy Crush Saga Level 2196 walkthrough video

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