
Candy Crush Saga Level 2115

Candy Crush Saga Level 2115

Goal: collect all ingredients and reach 30,000 points to complete the level.

1 star: 30,000 points
2 stars: 60,000 points
3 stars: 130,000 points
Candy Crush Saga Level 2115

Tips: there are 2 ingredients (1 each hazelnut, cherry) to bring down here. Make lots of special candies and combos to unlock the candies in the middle and remove the chocolate and cream. Note of the transporters. You will need to individually shoot the ones to the right of the jellies. This is how the ingredients moves to the right column where the only exit. You need to do this process very quickly so you'll have enough moves left to the other ingredient. See how this level is done in video below. Good luck.

Candy Crush Saga Level 2115 walkthrough video

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