
Candy Crush Saga Level 2103

Candy Crush Saga Level 2103

Goal: collect all orders and reach 30,000 points to complete the level.

1 star: 30,000 points
2 stars: 50,000 points
3 stars: 75,000 points
Candy Crush Saga Level 2103

Tips: here you need to collect 1 combo each: stripe + stripe, wrapped + wrapped and color bomb + color bomb. This can be as difficult as this previous level, or maybe even more as the candy collecting is sourced from lucky candies. The strategy is to have lucky candies that are close to one another. That way when you turn them, they can be made into a combo of the ordered candies. As soon as this is true, do the combo right away as this will prevent the lucky candies from making any more of that candy kind. Repeat until all ordered candies are fulfilled. In between all of these, don't let the magic mixer/new blocker make a mess of the board by keeping the marmalades it spits out in check. See how this level is done in video below. Good luck.

Candy Crush Saga Level 2103 walkthrough video

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